Conformance and Inspection

- Program Overview
- NMRA Conformance and Inspection Policy
This policy is explained in Section Q of the Executive Handbook.
- NMRA has had a Self-Certification program since 2006. The manufacturer is allowed to fill in the forms provided below, sign them and submit them to NMRA for a Conformance Warrant number. NMRA reserves the right to test the product at any time to ensure the product continues to conform to the NMRA Standards.
- Submitting a Product
- Current NMRA Conformance Warrants
- Conformance Testing Procedures for DCC
DCC Conformance Testing
If you have a question or need assistance with a Conformance & Inspection issue that is not covered on these web pages, please contact us at tech-chair [at]
Copyright (c) 2014 National Model Railroad Association. All Rights Reserved.
Updated 10/31/2019
National Model Railroad Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 1328, Soddy Daisy TN 37384-1328
Phone: (423) 892-2846 - Fax: (423) 899-4869