NMRA Magazine

NMRA Magazine Information

Note: There are no NMRA Magazine Index pages or Articles on line at this time. These pages are for contact, submission and advertising information only, and are taken directly from the pages of NMRA Magazine.

Editorial Office
6130 NW Hickory Place
Parkville, MO 64152
Phone: (816) 746-6733
Facsimile: (816) 584-0423
Email: sreditor [at] pairedrail.com (NMRA Magazine Editor)
FTP Site: http://www.prrpftp.com/

Advertising Office
6130 NW Hickory Place
Parkville, MO 64152
Phone: (816) 746-6733
Fax: (816) 584-0423
Email:gonmra [at] pairedrail.com ( Advertising for NMRA Magazine)


NMRA Magazine and NMRA Bulletin® welcome articles, photographs and other model railroad or railroad-related contributions. Contact the editorial office for more information.


All advertising inquiries should be directed to NMRA Magazine and NMRA Bulletin®Advertising Department. The NMRA reserves the right to refuse or drop advertising for any reason. Advertising in NMRA Magazine in no way constitutes an endorsement by the National Model Railroad Association.


NMRA membership dues are $47 (U.S. currency) per year for U.S. members. The Subscription is $28 (USD for U.S. addresses) for NMRA Magazine and NMRA Bulletin® Single copies are available from the headquarters office for $4.00 each. Address all membership applications, renewals, notices of non-receipt (issues that have been lost or delayed in the mail), orders for back issues, or other business matters to the headquarters office.  For International subscriptions, contact the Regional Headquarters.

Is your email address or other information out of date?

Click HERE to send updates to the NMRA office staff by filling in a form that will be emailed to them for review and records update.

NMRA Magazine and NMRA Bulletin® is published monthly by the National Model Railroad Association, Inc.

Submission Requirements

Preparing Material for NMRA Magazine and the NMRA Bulletin®

How to Submit to Club Car

Retailers Network

Not Sure how to begin?

Here is a set of "how to" articles that were run in 2013 in the NMRA Magazine, prepared by Matthew R. Snell. Excellent advice for any author.
From Concept to Publication #1 (PDF)
From Concept to Publication #2 (PDF)
From Concept to Publication #3 (PDF)

Note: There are no NMRA Magazine/Bulletin Index pages or Articles on line. These pages are for contact, submission and advertising information only, and are taken directly from the pages of NMRA Magazine.