At Large World Wide Director

Jack joined the NMRA in the early 1960’s after his graduation from the Naval Academy and at the start of his full time occupation as a naval officer. His modeling activity and NMRA membership varied as the demands of his Navy career allowed. On retirement he returned to the hobby full time and expanded his efforts in N-Scale. Jack became a Life Member in 1995.
In his life away from the hobby Jack has completed a 30 year careen in the Navy as a submarine officer and deep sea diving and salvage officer. Following retirement he worked in ship construction, ship logistics, technical education, and naval systems analysis. He has owned and operated his own management consulting company. He has been active in his community as a member of several community service organizations.
In 2000 Jack moved from New Orleans (LSR) to Silverdale, WA (PNR) and became more active in Division, Region, and National activities. He has served as Vice Chair of the 2004 National Convention in Seattle, two terms as PNR President, 15 years as PNR AP Manager, one year as PNR Trustee, and six years as NMRA Western District Director. In addition to his service in office, Jack has been active as a clinician at all levels and has, for over six years, been a contributor to NMRA Magazine Tool Car column.
Jack Models primarily in N-Scale constructing and operating his freelance “Retired n’ Recluse” Railroad. When not working on the railroad, he and The Enabler (wife Donna) spend a good deal of time traveling and visiting other parts of the world.