U.S. New Membership

Please note: This form is for NEW US memberships only.
For information on types of NMRA US Memberships, click HERE

OPT IN - As part of the fellowship aspect of the NMRA membership, the NMRA in the past has provided members with the contact information of other members when requested, and some NMRA Regions and Divisions have made this information available to their members. The NMRA is concerned about the privacy of its members and will no longer provide this information about you to other members for other than official business unless you approve. Please select YES if you give permission to the NMRA and its Regions and Division to provide your contact information to other NMRA members or NO if you do not want your contact information shared.

Regions - When you join the NMRA, you are automatically enrolled in a Region and Division based on your home address. These Regions all publish newsletters (either print, digitial, or both) on a regular basis to keep members informed of Region news, events and activities. Most Regions do not charge for these newsetters, but some do (mainly printed and sent by mail). If you are in the area (click here for a Region Map) of one of the Regions in the drop down, and wish to subscribe, please select the Region.

Additonal Information for New Members - please enter your information in these fields. These are primarily for NMRA statistical use. Your address information will be entered at check out and purchase.
Birth Year - the year you were born.
Occupation - your primary occupation, or retired.
County - the County you live in at this time.
Scale - the PRIMARY scale you model in.

Click HERE to see the definition of OPT IN