U.S. Railpass for New Members 9 Months

Have easy access to one of the world's largest railroad libraries...which includes over 100,000 prototype photos, 6,000 books, and over 50,000 modeling, prototype and historical society magazines!

  • Experience the fellowship and fun of getting modeling help and discussing the hobby with other members in your area
  • Receive reduced rates on special insurance for your layout or collection
  • Get admission to local model railroad meetings and events
  • Receive 9 monthly issues of NMRA magazine
  • Have access to standards information and data sheets
  • Be a part of programs like "Modeling With The Masters," Pike Registry, Estate Counseling, contests, clinics, the Achievement Program and more!
  • *Rail Pass offer is for new members and those who have not been NMRA members for two years or more. Individuals can join at Rail Pass rates only once; membership renewal will be at the regular membership rate. RailPass members can attend conventions and participate in contests, but cannot vote or hold office.

OPT IN - As part of the fellowship aspect of the NMRA membership, the NMRA in the past has provided members with the contact information of other members when requested, and some NMRA Regions and Divisions have made this information available to their members. The NMRA is concerned about the privacy of its members and will no longer provide this information about you to other members for other than official business unless you approve.

Select YES if you give permission to the NMRA and its Regions and Division to provide your contact information to other members or NO if you do not want your contact information shared.

New Railpass - NINE month trial membership with the NMRA monthly magazine.

Click HERE to see the definition of OPT IN